Home Mubende Mubende District Health Officials Given Brand New Motorcycles to Improve Service Delivery

Mubende District Health Officials Given Brand New Motorcycles to Improve Service Delivery

Mubende District Health Officials Given Brand New Motorcycles to Improve Service Delivery
Hon Kagambagye Moses handing over brand new motorcycles health officials

MUBENDE: Secretary for Production and Natural Resources, Hon Kagambagye Moses on behalf of the LC 5chairperson Mubende District, Hon Muhereza Ntambi Micheal handed over two brand new motorcycles to health officials to improve the health service delivery.

Motorcycles that were that were procured by UNICEF, one was handed over to the In-charge Butawata, Health Center III to improve and increase the immunization process in the hard to reach areas, and the other was handed over to a Cold Chain Technician to help in the supervision and maintenance of the hospitals’ fridges.

While handing over the motorcycle to the beneficiaries Hon Kagambagye appealed to the to utilize the motorcycles for the rightful purpose to serve the community.

PAS Mr. Ssali Edison has appreciated UNICEF for the support rendered to the health department and thus appealed to the staff to handle the motorcycles with care.