Home Mubende Uganda Shillings Worth 192.7 Millions Invested in Education Structures in Mubende.

Uganda Shillings Worth 192.7 Millions Invested in Education Structures in Mubende.

Mubende: Mubende district leadership headed by the Assistant RDC in charge Buwekula South Constituency Musiime Sarah Lukomera, accompanied by the LCV chairperson Hon Muhereza Ntambi Micheal, Deputy CAO Mr.Mawa Geofery have today launched the construction of structures under School Facilitation Grant worth

Structures launched include Construction of a two unit staff house at Kitaama primary school Kitenga sc worth 101,657,307. Two unit house will comprise of two bedrooms , sitting room ,bathroom, store , two lighting arrestor, kitchen and two stance pit latrine. The contract has been awarded to Dadasa service Ltd at a Contractor period of 5 months.

Construction of two class room block at Kiboyo primary school in Kiyuni Sub county at a tune of 91,043,614 the structure will have taraazo,red iron sheets gauge 28. The contract has been awarded to Sakal investments limited at a contract sum of 5 months.

Assistant RDC in charge of Buwekula South Constituency Musiime Sarah Lukomera has thanked the President and government for the various projects in Mubende district aimed at improving their livelihood.

She noted that it’s important for the parents to take their children to school.

She reminded the residents that education in Government primary and secondary schools is free of charge. RDCs office will arrest anyone chasing away children for fees.Education is not a privilege but a right to all children. Extortion and soliciting of money in schools will instill fear in children thus an increase in high dropout rate.

He requested the contractor to carry out timely construction so that the value for money is achieved.

LCV Chairman Hon Muhereza Ntambi Micheal
Thanked the President for the funds sent to the district to construct the staff house.

He appealed to the residents to take their children to school because the government has invested a lot of funds through construction of classes, staff houses , payment of teachers and UPE capitation grant.

He noted that the government has shifted from construction of pit latrines to water borne latrines which are more durable and can easily be emptied .

He further requested the contractor to carry out quality work so that value for money is achieved. requested him to follow the BOQs and use the quality materials.

HE appealed to the PTA, sub county leadership, residents to monitor and supervise the construction works.

DCAO- Mr.Mawa Geofery thanked the schools for the different projects set by the community before the government intervention.

He noted that there is high enrollment in primary one but after reaching primary seven the number will have reduced. But the district goal is to enable the child to succeed in the completion of primary seven. These buildings are aimed at enabling the children to stay in school.

He appealed to the residents to keep some harvest to enable the parents to provide the necessities at school and help them complete the primary seven level. All stake holders should provide the necessities

He added that the district will continue to provide structures, teachers and also monitor the schools.

Mr.Mabirizi Mohammed – senior Education officer requested the beneficiaries to always supervise and monitor the ongoing construction works so that value for money is achieved.