National Unity Platform (NUP) in Mubende is under fire as it intends to field candidates for Mubende Municipality in a roughneck and angrily for the party card to contest in the 12th parliament Elections.
This follows the circulation of an audio phone call recording in which the voice appears to be of the one Sumayiya Nabawanuka, one of the candidates for the National Unity Platform card for the Mubende Municipality seat, asking the NUP party official to explain what he heard whether the card had already been given to someone.
In the audio, Sumayiya expresses concern that some of the candidates have started approaching people telling them that they have already received the card.
“I hope you are well, I have a request because I wanted you to communicate with my people, there’s someone who is contesting for the same flag that am contesting for, under our party and they go around telling people that you have already given him the flag at the secretariat and that the rest of us are wasting our time, is it true you have given out this flag of Mubende municipality to somebody or what is exactly taking place?” Sumayiya questioned.
Replying to the concern the party official whose names were not mentioned withdrew from giving the card to any of the party candidates saying these are just rumors by weak people.
“They are just using it to build ground, but I don’t think that’s how they build ground, stronger candidates will always get support from the ground but not to intimidate others that they are sent by the secretariat, the secretariat has never sent anyone so let them just concentrate on convincing people to become electable, instead of confusing by the way that’s indiscipline telling lies on behalf of the party or making claims that are contrary to the party principles and if you can get a video of someone saying it, send it to us and it will be used against such candidate,” He said.
In a five minute call recording circulating on social platforms, Nabawanuka questioned whether this is used to scare them away from expressing interest in the card and was asked to bring out videos or any other recorded material of someone circulating the false information that he or she has the card already for authorities to take action.
“Let me put the record straight the national unity platform has not ring-fenced or gazetted any area for anyone. The national unity platform has not even received formal letters from those intending to contest. it’s not yet done and national unity platform cannot ring-fence any position for someone because that’s the outside policy,” Official said.
“What I know is that people who pretend and confuse people are the weak ones on the ground because they don’t have what to tell people, they cling to the party secretariat or party headquarters. Let me tell whoever wants to listen it’s the strength of the candidate on the ground that will determine whether he gets the party flag or not so the party flag is on the ground, not the secretariat, voters are on the ground not on the secretariat so let me make it categorically clear the party has not even announced that the intending candidate should submit their letters of interest so the party cannot gazette any position for anyone,” He added.
He explained that they will use a method where the ground will decide who has power over who and fits the National Unity platform card.
“And the party doesn’t send people from the secretariat to stand it’s the other way around people from the grassroots and express their interest to stand so treat that as mere lies, public lie by the weak on the ground who want to cling on party secretariat to confuse the electorate. I would advise all intending candidates to concentrate on getting and amassing, and strengthening, and deepening and widening their support on the ground rather than telling lies that they are sent by the secretariat,” He said.
All these follow the Journalist Ismael Ssegawa, popularly known as Sureman Ssegawa, a renowned radio sports commentator with Radio Simba who came out recently and show interests that he is ready to contest for the parliamentary seat of Mubende municipality on the National Unity platform ticket in the coming general Elections 2026-2031.
It is said that this caused fear and panic for the candidate who once contested for the Mubende district MP seat in the last election of 2021 and defeated one Sumayiya Nabawanuka who later turned to contest for the Mubende Municipality seat on the same ticket.
This has sparked questions from members of the national unity platform in Mubende wondering why a private phone call should leak and what was the intentions of circulating the recording.
For years she has been the favorite for many opposition figures in Mubende as the option for the vacuum until when Segawa declared his interest recently and became a darling for the most part, especially in the youth wing.
When Segawa asked about the leaked phone call, he said; “I am looking for my vote I have no one to attack. That’s why I spend all my time talking about what I will do for the people of Mubende not insulting anyone am completing with”.
For the first time, Mubende municipality has over three figures who have already shown indicators that they are interested in winning Mubende Municipality seat by A National unity card which include, Nabawanuka Sumayiya, Ismael Segawa known as Sureman Segawa, Bob Richard Kyamanywa, and Andrew Walubi.

This has raised questions amongst National Unity platform supporters of how free and fair will be in selecting the best candidate to fit for the National Unity Platform card among the three.